Sunday, October 22, 2006


We arrived mid-day in Istanbul after 14 hours of flying from Minneapolis through Amsterdam ... an 8 hour time zone change. The city dates back to 700BC and the Byzantine and Ottoman empires ...the days when it was named Constantinople. The modern Hotel Ritz Carlton Hotel is first class, with a spectacular view -- overlooking a mosque and a 35,000-seat football stadium on the shores of the Strait of Bospherus. Hours after arrival our guide takes us through the grand bazaar (see photo) -- but it's only a glimpse at this hectic marketplace before the final feasts of Ramadan close these busy bazaars tomorrow. Our other tour is through Beylerbeyi -- the summer palace of five 19-century sultans. Cameras are forbidden -- unless you pay $9 for the privilege! (Or try your less conspicuous cellphone camera.) And now, to shake off the jet lag and get some needed sleep.

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